Mala Beads for Meditation and Body and Mind Healing
If you are interested in meditation to expunge mental and physical stress and attain a higher level of spirituality, then mala beads may be very useful to you. They are used by people practicing meditation to help them focus their minds. Mala beads are also used by Buddhists and Hindus to guide their chanting of mantras and prayers.  The beads used in the Buddhist rituals are called Japa Mala Beads.

The Japa Mala Beads have 108 beads; the number has special significance in several Buddhist and Hindu religious traditions.  There is a specific mantra for each of the beads. Click to read more about Mala Beads. Mala beads  though used  by yogis of other faiths and those just trying to enjoy the benefits of meditation can come in any number of beads, but the most common number is 27.

Malas are effective not only because of their ability to help you concentrate which is the key to cleansing your body and mind of stress. The beads by themselves have their own special qualities. The best mala beads are made of natural materials and semi-precious gemstones, known for their body and mind healing   properties. They have a positive effect on your disposition even if all you do actually is wear them.

Mala beads though are made by different companies and as you should expect the quality of malas they produce has differences.  Some make malas from materials that have no healing properties at all. Some do not put any importance to aesthetics, hoping people would not mind indifferently designed malas. But, of course, you'd mind. You would choose a beautifully designed and powerful wrist mala over another that has the same   power but is not easy on the eyes.

Having difficulty coping with daily stressors or you feel something is lacking in your life?  You are right to think that meditation can help you deal with both issues. Visit to learn more about Mala Beads. Meditation enables you to identify what is important to you and helps you develop a frame of mind that is capable of handling problems easily and calmly.  You would need the tools that will help you concentrate. You will need meditation beads or mala beads.

Where do you get meditation beads? They are available online.  In sellers web sites, you will find mala bracelets and necklaces.  You can see the designs; find out what materials they are made of and how they are made. The best are made of semi-precious stones, durable natural materials and handcrafted. Learn more from